“Maybe we should vote on it.”
“Let's take a vote.” 或者 “Let's put it to the vote, then.”
“Could you have your vote please?”
“All those in favour...”
“The vote is in the negative.”
Got it?
ballot |ˈbælət|
noun a system of voting secretly and in writing on a particular issue
verb (of an organization) ask (members) to vote secretly on an issue
A ballot is a device used to cast votes in an election, and may be a piece of paper or a small ball used in secret voting.[1] It was originally a small ball (see blackballing) used to record decisions made by voters.
Each voter uses one ballot, and ballots are not shared. In the simplest elections, a ballot may be a simple scrap of paper on which each voter writes in the name of a candidate, but governmental elections use pre-printed to protect the secrecy of the votes. The voter casts his/her ballot in a box at a polling station.
In British English, this is usually called a "ballot paper".[2] The word ballot is used for an election process within an organisation (such as a trade union "holding a ballot" of its members).
在英式英文中,這通常被叫作 “ballot paper”,而 “ballot” 一詞則被用來指稱各種組織內的選舉流程。Etymology
The word ballot comes from Italian ballotta, meaning a “small ball used in voting” or a “secret vote taken by ballots” in Venice, Italy.
“ballot” 一詞來自義大利文 “ballotta”,意思是「用來投票的小球」或者在維納斯「一個以不記名投票為方式的秘密投票」。
In ancient Greece, citizens used pieces of broken pottery to scratch in the name of the candidate in the procedures of ostracism.
The first use of paper ballots to conduct an election appears to have been in Rome in 139 BC.
In Ancient India, around 920 AD, in Tamil Nadu, Palm leaves were used for village assembly elections. The palm leaves with candidate names, will be put inside a mud pot, for counting. This was called Kudavolai system.[4][5][6]
The first use of paper ballots in America was in 1629 within the Massachusetts Bay Colony to select a pastor for the Salem Church.[7] Paper ballots were pieces of paper marked and supplied by voters.
大約西元920年古印度的塔米納列州(為現今印度29州中之南方一州),棕櫚葉被用來村落的民意代表選舉,在葉子寫上候選人姓名並放置在土盆中以利計算,被稱為 “Kudavolai system”.